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Will my phone still work in a power outage?

The ONT that connects your phone to Wightman’s fibre is powered by electricity, and has a built-in battery in the event of a power outage. Your battery will provide emergency power for several hours of talk if the power goes out.

Customers who wait until after fibre construction is complete in their neighborhood may incur an installation fee.

When is line burial season?

Line burial season starts May 1st and ends Nov 30th depending on ground conditions.

How is the line buried?

The burial is completed outside of the house.
A preview is completed prior to the installation.
The BSW is installed from the closest pedestal to the protector at the house.
The line will be buried at depth ranges from 12” to 16”.
Our BSW Installation Crew will ensure your landscaping is kept to its original condition.

How long will it take for my line to be buried?

All work orders are prioritized based on submission date starting May 1st.
Depending on the requirements of the work, completion time may exceed 12 weeks.
If 12 weeks have passed and the line has not been buried yet, rest assure that your order is still in line to be completed.

What is required for the burial?

We will not need access to your home as the burial is completed outside of the house.
The BSW Installation Crew may require access to your neighbor’s property, if so, they will request access once on site.
Municipal permits are not required for BSW installs on private property, but occasionally Municipal Permits are required if work is being done on or crossing Public Property.

Spray paint & Flag Colours: gas (yellow), communication lines (orange), hydro (red) and water (blue).

What should I do if there is a problem with my temporary line?

If the temporary cable line is posing a safety issue, has not been removed, or if the cable line has snapped or become broken, please contact our Technical Support team at 1-877-327-4440.

No. Fibre installation is free if you subscribe to our service during the initial construction period in your area.

No. Once you switch a service to Wightman, upon your request we can transfer your existing services on your behalf. However, you will have to finalize any payments or resolve any issues with your current service provider before you cancel or transfer your services.

No. Current customers are required to sign up for our Fibre to the Home service. You can visit one of our offices, sign up online, call, or email us.

An ONT is powered by electricity but requires a battery in the event of a power outage. Your battery will provide emergency power for several hours of talk time during an outage.

Yes. However, bundling all your services with Wightman should provide you with more savings.

No. The standard regular price for the services that you have signed up for are guaranteed not to increase during your 3 year commitment period.