Your passcodes are already set up and you are able to use them at anytime as they are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means you now have the freedom to conduct conference calls with no restriction to the day, time, duration or size of your audio conference…reservation free.
For your security, never provide your moderator passcode to anyone and never borrow someone else’s participant passcode.
Audio Conferencing User Controls
Command Function *0 Reach Operator *1 Access the Help Menu *6 Mute/Unmute Self
Audio Conferencing User Controls
Command Function *0 Reach Operator *22 Record Call *91 Hear a Participant Count *94 Lock/Unlock Conference *96 Mute All Participants *97 Unmute All Participants
Audio Conferencing Tips
Before the call…
Ensure that the information in your teleconference invitation is 100% accurate.
Clearly indicate the appropriate time zone.
Assign a chairperson or Moderator to control and direct the call.
Provide the Moderator with a list of anticipated participants.
Check the sound quality of the boardroom conferencing telephone.
For the best hands-free sound quality, always use a PolyCom or similar teleconferencing specific equipment.
When using MS Outlook to book a conference call appointment, add ‘Dial In’ and ‘Passcode’ information to the location field.
Turn off all cell phones and pagers and forward other telephones in the room.
Close the windows and blinds to soften the sound.
Place presentation materials in Mylar sleeves to eliminate shuffling noise in the meeting room.
Place coasters under the microphones to eliminate vibrations.
During the call…
Never put the telephone on hold or answer a second line during the conference – music or tones will disrupt the call.
Speak slowly and clearly.
Press *91 for administrators to privately hear the current participant count.
Identify yourself by name and location before speaking.
When asking a question, address the individual by name and location.
Use the Mute function on your telephone when you are not speaking. If your telephone does not have one, press *6 to mute your line and *6 again to un-mute.
To keep background noise to a minimum, avoid unnecessary side discussions.
If your line is accidentally disconnected, immediately redial the original numbers.
Operator assistance is always available by pressing *0.
Share these tips with your other conference participants.